As we are entering the holiday season, many people will be traveling and adding other vulnerable claims exposures to their home. Therefore here are a few helpful tips to reduce your likelihood of having a home claim. Remember, just changing a few habits could save you $$$$$ on one of your most expensive investments, YOUR HOME!

Home Insurance policy
Turn the water to your home off before you leave on a trip.
Test your alarm system to ensure the batteries are fresh and that it is functioning properly.
There are a number of smart home devices under a $100 that can be programmed to your cellphone to alert you of potential losses. Also, discount credits will apply to your homeowners insurance policy if installed.
Call a certified arborist to have them inspect and treat your trees if necessary. Remove dead or dying trees from your property.
Check to see if your electrical panels are up to code.
For the best protection and price, call me for a FREE quote… We specialize in HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE!
ask me about bundling discounts for your home, auto, life and motorcycle policies, and YES we sell commercial insurance too.
I have won the 5 STAR INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL AWARD (5 years in a row) by providing my clients with exceptional service! I would LOVE to serve you as well…as I am just a phone call away!
If you find this information helpful, please share this e-mail with your friends!
Eileen Collins, LUTCF
Agency Owner / Insurance Specialist
Eileen Collins Insurance Agency, LLC
Office: 832-848-1212
Fax: 281-245-0681