Want to earn money for each referral that you send us, please click on the link above, “Ask us about our referral program” to send us an e-mail with the names, and contact numbers of your referrals. For the month of May, we are paying $25 for each referral that is converted into a home, auto, life or commercial insurance policy. Now for the good stuff…
Floods are becoming more common across the United States driven by factors such as increasingly extreme weather patterns and urban development that impacts natural drainage systems.
Aside from the devastating emotional toll that accompanies a flood loss, floods also carry a high financial cost. Consider this: just one inch of water can cause upwards of $27,000 in damage and as waters rise, so do the costs. As FEMA notes, anywhere it rains, it can flood, and yet only 15 percent of homeowners currently have a flood insurance policy. 15 percent!
Many believe that 2020 could be one of the worst hurricane seasons in many years. I am hoping these predictions are wrong given our current economic situation due to the covid-19 pandemic. However, if the predictions are correct, will you have the proper insurance coverages in place? So now is the time to purchase a flood insurance policy if you don’t already have one.
I am available to help you to understand your home and flood insurance policies better. Having a knowledgeable insurance agent to help you understand the exposures that you have as well as matching you with the right company based on your individual needs is a must. I personally believe that shopping online for home and flood insurance without the help of a licensed professional is a huge mistake because you may have exposures that you are unaware of. If these exposures are not addressed properly it can cost you a lot of money down the road with an uncovered claim.
If you have any additional questions regarding your home or flood insurance policies, feel free to call me with your questions. Also, if you feel this information was valuable, please forward this e-mail on to your friends, family and other people that you care about. Remember, if they call me for a referral during the month of May, you will earn $25 for each person that purchases a policy.
By the way, with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) still on the rise. Our agency is practicing social distancing by working remotely. However, we are available by phone or e-mail for now. We will keep you posted as to when on-site visits are allowed.
As we prepare for “the new normal” you can continue to expect the same great service you have come to rely on from us, as we are here for you.

Flood Insurance spring tx